Keeping an Open Heart
I’ve been thinking lately about how easy it can be to harden our hearts to…
Why Touch is More Important Than Ever
[embed][/embed] Randi G. Fine remind us, "No other forms of communication is as universally understood…
The Pursuit of a Holiday Filled with Life, Liberty, and Happiness
I originally wrote the article below for the Mountain Mirror. When we read the Declaration…
Giving Up Gossip
[embed][/embed] This week an acquaintance spoke to me about the death of her grandmother and…
I Am Thankful For…
[embed][/embed] Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted–a paved road…
Practicing Mindfulness If you are anything like me, you may struggle with living fully in the…
[embed][/embed] Accept and love yourself with all your beauty and imperfections. Be kind to your…
Avoiding Triangles in Relationships
[embed][/embed] "Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event…
The Alternative to Playing the Blame Game
[embed][/embed] When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot. When…