How Yoga Can Change Your Life
Almost 8 years ago I signed up for yoga teacher training through Chattanooga Yoga School.…
An Invitation to Befriend Your Inner Child
One universal truth is you have childhood wounds inside you that inform who you become…
How to Keep An Open Heart
I recently had a customer service experience with a local organization via email that wasn’t…
Embrace the Miracle of Life
In Frederick Buechner's book, Listening to Your Life, the recently deceased theologian, tells the story…
How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Body
If I invited you to describe your relationship with your body, what comes up for…
Wrap Gratitude Around You Like A Cloak
This summer I took my niece and daughter to Lake Winne for the afternoon. One…
How Do You Eat Your Cinnamon Roll?
Many years ago a friend invited a group of her girlfriends to eat at an…
How To Find Freedom From Shame
I recently self-published a book entitled, Freedom From Shame. I wrote this book, not because…
There is A Sacredness in Tears
I have been practicing yoga off and on for roughly 20 years and with the exception of…